Tuesday, May 15, 2007

APs are over, let's celebrate with...

....and now that they are over, ドラマチック has been released.
Actually, the release date is MAY 16, but because the earth is round, Japan has already started May 16, which means that we here in America (or at least me) gets a May 16 release on May 15.
Woohoo, go Nipponsei uploaders, go anikei.com!
I uploaded each song individually and then the whole single because I am very considerate of those who have dial-up. I feel your pain, waiting 30 minutes for each song...and just because that's how I'm going to share it on my website, once I actually put in content.

「ドラマチック」 single, .mp3

Download the entire .zip file, includes scan and Nipponsei credits.
1. ドラマチック (Dramatic)
+ I've said what I need to say about this, right? The lyrics are in my previous entry. I will revise the lyrics as soon as I can, because I can now see the errors I made
2. 透明26時 (Transparent 26 o'clock)
+ I take back what I said about this song being so-so. It's fantastic, and Koide's voice is so supremely sexy in this song. I cannot handle this.
3. 夕方ジェネレーション[新しい夕方ver.] (Evening Generation, new Evening version; also a play on "You've got a Generation")
+ I'm pretty sure they've messed with this song the most, but I'm not sure right now. I think this version is twenty times better than the previous mixes, and that's because Koide's voice is SO CLEAR AND SEXY AND RIGHT THERE. (Excuse the fangasming.) But seriously, he sounds amazing, and the fun (you gotta) in the background made me laugh. That's definitely not Koide, but seriously....it's good. The instrumentals got a lot better, and sound clearer. Going major is the best thing to happen to BBB and to me, seriously.

Okay, I'm going to go back in a corner, do my PreCal take-home test, and cry because I don't have the single. Yeah...okay....I really need it to be July 20th already so I can get my paycheck.


fukubun said...

woohoo! dibs on the single! i can't find it on jpopsuki heh.. im grabbing that and the PV for GIRLFRIEND! which must have been godsent : ) when i first heard Dramatic i wasn't very impressed, but after leaving for a short loop on my player, i've realised that i've fallen for the song! woohoo, another BBB song to my list : ) hahaha, thanks once again for the good job. can't wait for your fansite! gambatte kudasai!

Anonymous said...

To me the only thing that going to a major label did for the band was get them more frequent releases and a better recording studio. Other then that I loved that distorted sound they had in alot of the earlier works when there was a lot of number girl influence. Furthermore the cover art in their old CD's(and the Pv's) were leagues better then anything they have put out.

Going major is good, i guess they get more sold out shows/exposure/etc. And lots more Base Ball Variety shows.