Saturday, April 21, 2007

Consumate V's!

I know that I'm very obsessed with Base Ball Bear to the point of death, but right now I'm really excited because I'm going to my first live concert on April 30th! I'm running on some sort of sugar/emotional high, so I'm staying up and posting stuff. I suppose this is old stuff, but I don't think I posted it here, just uploaded it to MediaFire and never really shared it anywhere. I have older PVs (not the best quality, but whatever) that I'll upload the next time I have another one of these moments of ecstasy. REGINA SPEKTOR ON APRIL 30th IN SAN FRANCISCO AT THE WARFIELD. PLEASE TELL ME I'M NOT DREAMING. :D I've got my tickets! I wonder how my elation regarding Regina Spektor is related to my Base Ball Bear post, but oh well. Don't question my actions. I also need to organize the tags for my posts since they stopped making sense. Hmm. And the title of this post has nothing to do with neither Regina nor BBB; the only thing I can say is TROGDOR!

...This is probably the biggest post I'll ever do; it's two PVs, one live performance, and an entire album. *sweatdrop* Maybe one day I'll outdo this post, but I doubt I'll ever be on an emotional high of this extent, unless I actually get concert tickets for BBB, in which case I might...just...die of pure bliss.
Oh, and as for where I get my stuff...Well, I download it from jpopsuki. They are from various sources (I'm too tired to check who uploaded them), but a lot of the torrents are dead now, so I've been uploading them as direct downloads lately. It's hard to get unless you were actually one of the first to get it when it came out. I'm still trying to get their GIRLFRIEND PV, and I doubt I'll ever get it. Nobody has seeded that torrent since it came out more than a year ago...I've spent the last year trying to download it (even back when I still had dial-up...)

So enjoy this huge post and download away~
I should probably follow this format for any more uploads I put from now on.
Title of Download (PV - Promotional Video, MP3 - duh, you know what that is.), Format
Download link
+ Comments

Stand By Me PV, avi

+ Can I just say...This is the best PV ever. (Look at their poses! It never fails to make me fangirl; and yes, I use the word FANGIRL as a verb.) I abused my iPod by listening to this song countless times when it came out. At that time I couldn't rip the mp3 out of the PV yet, so before the single came out, I watched the PV too many times. Some people say it's kind of weird (and the meaning of the gorilla is still a mystery to me), but you've got to admit...the whole thing is awesome beyond words. Plus you get to see the Yuasa-spaz dance during the guitar solo! Download the MP3 at the end of this post.

祭りのあと/MATSURI NO ATO [After the Festival] PV, avi

+ If you've seen earlier Base Ball PVs that precede this one, you should notice that the opening scenes are clips of the settings of the earlier PVs. I love that bit. Although I love the song, the opening, the camera angles, and the overall energy of the video itself, I feel like it lacked anything that would make it stand out the way STAND BY ME did. Despite that, it's still beautiful to watch and listen to. The mp3 is at the end of the post.

祭りのあと/MATSURI NO ATO [After the Festival] LIVE PERFORMANCE, avi

+ Oh oh oh! SPARKLY! This has the lyrics right on the performance...I had copied it down somewhere, so I'll post the lyrics to it next time...whenever that is...ahem. Anyway, this clip was from MELODIX, one of the many Japanese music shows. I have the entire episode, which features a bunch of other artists playing with the Wii, doing karaoke, playing basketball, and other fun stuff, but the file is too big for MediaFire, so I'm uploading only the part that featured Base Ball Bear (of course). Sadly, it was ONLY a live performance; no interviews or fun activities with the hosts. The beginning comments are just poking fun at the name of the band. One thing about the live performance is that they left out that special effect done right before the guitar solo, which is the the echoing and speeding up of Koide's voice. But they didn't leave out the clapping part! Just clap along! ;]

[C], First major Album

Download .zip format or individual mp3s:
1. Crazy for youの 季節(Album Ver.) (Crazy For You Seasons)
2. Girlfriend
3. 祭りのあと (After the Festival)
+ Note: This was one of the first things that I uploaded and shared on this blog.
4. Electric Summer
5. スイミング・ガール (Swimming Girl)
6. You Are My Sunshineのすべて (Everything of You Are My Sunshine)
7. Girl Of Arms
8. Death とLove (Death and Love)
9. Stand By Me
10. ラストダンス (Last Dance)
11. She Is Back
+ There is an interesting story behind the symbol on the cover. I might have mentioned this before (probably a lot), but the symbol had been used on all of BBB's releases prior to their major debut (except for YUUGATA GENERATION and B BEGINNING), and they has discontinued its use after the release of STAND BY ME. The triangle with the zig-zag through represents TOKYO TOWER. The dicontinuation of the symbol represents the change in the band; I'm still researching why Tokyo Tower is so significant to the band. I have a suspicion that they decided to become a band there (but this is just a guess, okay?) or it's just something that they all like. Similarly, the band is called BASE BALL BEAR because the band members all liked a song by a certain singer (uhh, I don't remember her name, but I know it was a girl) that had the word BASE BALL in it, and the word BEAR is just a random choice by the members. If you download only a few songs out of this album, go to MATSURI NO ATO, STAND BY ME, and ELECTRIC SUMMER, which are probably some of their more well known songs. The album had been made with the concept of "DEATH AND LOVE" (hence, the title of one of the songs). I'm going to put up the scans of the article where they discuss this in the near future. I actually own the magazine, but my friend bought a copy also at a cheaper price, so another friend will abuse that copy and scan it while I keep mine in mint condition. Whoa. I typed too much.

And with that, I end my spazzing post! I should do homework now. I bet prom ended by now. The end. Next update shall be when I feel like it. There's no telling when I'll go on again. Who cares if I have that stupid standardized testing all next week? :D
Planned uploads for the next update(s):
+ All of Base Ball Bear's Indie works (I might even start comparing some of their remade songs.)
+ Base Ball Bear Scans
+ All Ellegarden PVs
+ Some sort of Visual Kei upload/rant
+ Straightener music (Nothing planned in particular; probably just a few songs I really like by them.)
+ Pictures from the Regina Spektor concert *evil laughter* That's totally unrelated to anything.
+ Regina Spektor ranting (although I'm hesistant to upload her music because you should totally support her. This will accompany the slew of pictures that my friend and I will take at the concert.)
+ Some random Anime music posts
+ Just plain random OST posts from various movies/animes/dramas.


fukubun said...

woah! dibs on the pvs!!!!! thank you so much! haha, yeah i frequent jpopsuki a bit, but looking at the seeders for ALL these pvs (including Girlfriend), i just completely gave up. argh! so so so so glad to get them now, cheers! haha its a great welcome relief from all the studying! must be the same for you to publish all about BBB. you must be like their number one fan! hahaha

have to admit that Matsuri's PV is a tad disappointing, but Stand By Me more than makes it up : ) and live is always cool to watch from time to time, heh.

Looking forward to your other releases! But remember to study lol~

fukubun said...

woah! dibs on the PVs! omg! i never thought i'd get them! thank you so much! hahaa, its a great welcome relief from a day of messed up work with fluids -_-

yeah i frequent jpopsuki quite abit as well but its almost impossible to get these PVs as the number of seeders is, well none! hahaha.. so thanks so much for them! i like the Stand By Me one alot, hahahaha i only saw the pocky commercial cut for it, which was very pretty already.. matsuri's pv is a tad repetitive though.

hooray! call yourself BBB's number one fan! thanks so much! looking forward to your other releases, but do remember to study!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much, I just found out about Base Ball Bear after watching Linda Linda Linda. you are totally awesome. Sekine is so awesome

クリッシェン said...

Sorry for commenting on an old post but I have to thank you for uploading the BBB Album, I've been looking for it for forever! Also, your new BBB site looks good, i'll definitely check back and see when its fully up and running. And thanks for posting in Japanese as well as English, it helps me with my Japanese studies. Well anyway good luck with your studies...

Anonymous said...

You just made my week, and possibly even my month because I've been looking for the BBB album. You're a god! <3 I probably can't repay the favor, but let me know if you ever need help with translations or something.

Anonymous said...

I just have to say:


serioulsy, I've been tearing through the net trying to find MAtsuri no Ato and YOU [you wonderful person you] are a GOD for uploading them onto MediaFire. oh, man, dude, seriously, I could kiss your feet, this band is THAT awesome.
